Mathematics at Campbell Primary School
At Campbell Primary School, our aim is to ensure that Mathematics plays a key role in the development of students as confident and creative learners, who can apply their number and other mathematical skills across the curriculum.
Mathematics is taught through the lens of the four proficiencies with students supported to develop their mathematical fluency, understanding, reasoning and problem solving skills. Learning opportunities include Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability concepts.
The Mathematics Operational Plan outlines the quality teaching practices teachers implement to support students to develop their mathematical skills. Teachers plan collaboratively in year level teams, analysing student achievement data and using classroom observations to provide targeted opportunities for continual learning.
The whole school iStar pedagogical framework provides a scaffold for learning, supporting and challenging students to reach their potential. Explicit instruction and modelling, shared activities, and individual application are all implemented as important components of Mathematics learning.
A concrete, pictorial, abstract framework is used to support the development of conceptual understandings. Manipulative materials, mini whiteboards, digital resources (smartboards and/or iPads), and a range of texts are all incorporated into Mathematics programs as tools to support student learning.
Problem solving sessions are implemented weekly, supporting students to apply their mathematical thinking in unfamiliar contexts. Opportunities to solve complex problems, allows students to apply a range of strategies until they reach a solution. They develop their reasoning skills through explaining their thinking to others and consolidate their understanding of a range of concepts.
The profile of Mathematics within the school has been strengthened through the introduction of termly Problem Solving challenges. From each class a problem solving star is recognised. Numero club has had continued success in representing our school at the Numero competition held each year and class Numero will be a focus in 2022 to further develop students’ fluency skills.
The school’s On Entry and NAPLAN data continues to show strong achievement across areas of the Mathematics Curriculum.
Maths and Home
Clock Templates
Sudoku Puzzles