Parents & Citizens (P&C)

The Campbell Primary School P&C is a group of enthusiastic parents who want to help enhance the educational experiences for all children at our school.

The main role of the P&C is to engage in fundraising activities to support ongoing improvements at the school and enrich the Campbell Community.

The dedication of the committee and volunteers has seen some incredible financial donations made to the school. Recent fundraising activities have seen investments in trees on the school oval, a new sound system in the Undercover Area, support of the School Chaplaincy program, development of nature playground areas and new uniforms for the choir.

Our members come from all areas of the school community with a range of different skills and backgrounds.

Our P&C is involved in activities such as:

  • Running second-hand uniform.
  • Running school community events such as the Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls and discos to name a few,
  • Supporting school-led initiatives such as making floral wreaths and rosemary lapels for the ANZAC commemorative assembly.
  • Seeking support and resources through sponsorship and fundraising, and liaising with local government representatives.
  • New members are always welcome! For more information, please email the P&C here or follow our updates on the Campbell Primary School Facebook page.


Thank you to the P&C – Fundraising Supports Our School

Shade Sails

Bottle Fillers

Fan in the Undercover Area

Promethean Boards


To name a few ……


P&C meetings are held on a Tuesday twice during the school term (Week 4 and Week 8), commencing at 1.45pm in LA22. The meetings are restricted to one hour and are high on information and decision making.

Meetings provide a forum where parents can openly communicate with the Principal and P&C committee members, plus learn more about the school.

The P&C Annual General Meeting is held at the start of each school year and is when officer bearers are elected. This includes President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

It is important to note that the School Board sets direction for the school and impacts on the running of the school rather than the P&C itself. To find out more about the School Board, please click here.


P&C Committee Members

All office bearer roles are for one year and are filled at the Annual General Meeting at the beginning of each school year. Your 2024 representatives are

President: Emma Kostarelas

Vice President: Ellie Stockbridge

Secretary: Claudia Jordan

Treasurer: Petina Glossop


All members can be contacted via the P&C here or follow our updates on the Campbell Primary School Facebook page.


Every year, our P&C manage a calendar of fun and engaging fundraising activities for both students and the Campbell community. Some examples of events run by our P&C include:

Discos: the P&C coordinate up to two discos per year for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. A snack bar and a glow stick stall are available to students, and the evenings are always good fun for all involved.

Mother’s Day & Father’s Day Stalls: fundraising stalls are held the week before Mother’s Day and Father’s Day each year. Students are offered the opportunity to come with their class to purchase a gift. Additional gifts are often available for purchase as well. Stall dates and cost information is distributed prior to the event, ensuring no one misses out.

Second-Hand Uniform Stall: the P&C receive donations of uniforms from the community. These second-hand uniforms are sold at a stall held approximately once a term – dates are promoted through the Campbell Primary School Facebook page. The P&C are extremely grateful to the generosity of Campbell families who make these donations. Second hand uniforms can be dropped in the green bin outside the front office throughout the year (between the office and the staff room).

Silver Coin Frenzy: this is a fun activity encouraging students within each year group to raise funds for the P&C. Donations of silver coins are made by students, with the year group collecting the highest dollar value of coins at the end of the competition period winning a prize.

Sausage Sizzle BBQs: whenever the opportunity arises, the P&C love to put on a sausage sizzle!

Voluntary Contribution
Each year, parents are asked to consider paying a voluntary P&C contribution. Currently this is set at $10.00 per child. These funds, as with all money raised through the P&C, go directly back to students through P&C directed donations; providing them with better equipment, resources and experiences during their time at Campbell Primary School.

For More Information

To find out more about the Campbell Primary P&C or to join, please email the P&C here.

The Role of the P&C Partnerships With Parents Presentation