News and Events

Fremantle Dockers Visit

We were fortunate enough to have a few of the Fremantle Dockers visit Campbell Primary School.  The students learnt some valuable skills and lined up patiently to get a few […]

Pom Pom Club

This week our amazing Allied Professionals started the Pom Pom Club in the library at lunchtime. There were a large number of students who attended and had a fantastic time […]

Merit Certificates

Congratulations to the following students who received a merit certificate at the assembly on the 18 May 2023. Stevee T 4 LA11 Jack W 4 LA11 Mehdi K 4 LA11 […]

Reading Ribbons

Well done to these students from across all year levels who have received their reading ribbons in the last week. Keep up the great reading.

Welcome Back to Term 2 2023

It was great to see everyone returning to school today to commence Term 2 2023. They all looked refreshed and ready to get back to their learning.

P&C Volunteers – Thank You

In Week 10 of Term 1, students were presented with certificates to take home to their parents and a message to thank them for their support of the school.

ANZAC Day Service – Friday 28 April 2023

The school will be holding an ANZAC Day Service for students on Friday 28 April 2023. All members of the Campbell Primary School Community are invited to attend.   The […]